
Modern Veneer Preparations – Creating Beautiful Smiles Conservatively

Author(s): Dental News

We’ll start the discussion by walking through how I would prep a tooth that is in an ideal position and is an ideal size. This will take some of the nuances out of the picture so we can talk about the general philosophy. Once we have the general form and style, we will look at the variations that can be made to the preparation that are necessary to deal with the different circumstances.

To wrap or not to wrap, that is the question. This question is where the most disagreement occurs between cosmetic dentists. Wrapping is where the preparation extends through the interproximal contact, and it is utilized quite often and has merits. Some respected cosmetic dentists still use this method, the main reason being that it makes seating the veneers very simple. While there is nothing wrong with wrapping, and has its uses as we will discuss, I do not use in unless needed because it takes away too much tooth structure. It is important to clarify that “too much”, is our own opinion and philosophy. I say this because the research shows that wrapping your preparations does not weaken the tooth or the veneer in any way and is structurally and biologically sound. That being said, we would rather save as much tooth structure as possible. If I were to have veneers, even though they are permanently... [READ MORE]

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Modern Veneer Preparations – Creating Beautiful Smiles Conservatively Dental News

We’ll start the discussion by walking through how I would prep a tooth that is in an ideal position and is an ideal size. This will take some of the nuances out of the pi...

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